Thursday, March 5, 2015

Why Study Privately?

I'm sure that most people, at some point in their musical career, have asked someone:

Why do you pay that guy over there to teach you how to play?

7-10 years ago, the answer was easier: because that guy can show me things I can't figure out for myself.

Nowadays, with the widespread use of the internet, and YouTube, there are more resources than ever for learning how to play a musical instrument.

So why should you pay that guy over there, or the fine folks who work here, how to play?

Because the internet can only help you so much.

Sure, there are probably about 50 tutorials on YouTube alone on how to play the guitar. I guarantee that if you checked there would be plenty of quality instructional videos available.

What those videos can't tell you, are ways to improve upon the basic message.

The internet can only suggest certain ways to do things, but in the end, a private instructor can tell you how to produce a better sound.

If you think about it, most people learn best when shown how to do something, then they attempt to do it themselves, and then they receive feedback from someone else.

The same is true for being a musician. If you are able to produce a sound, or practice a skill, and then a knowledgeable instructor can tell you how to improve your technique, or what the next step is, that is a more worthwhile experience than watching a video on YouTube and expecting to gather all of the nuance and experience that an in-person teacher is capable of producing.

I think that the internet is a great place to start. Heck, we're in talks over here to start producing online video content ourselves, but I will never suggest that anyone's online content, even our own, will replace having someone in the same room with you, dedicated to making sure that you are performing at peak levels.

Allow us to help you take your performances to the next level of amazing, stop by and sign up for some private lessons, and let us show you the real value of a living, breathing person who cares about your musical development.

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